Most people think of PR events as brands spoiling influencers in the hopes that they post them on their socials.

While that is a part of it, it is not the main purpose of having these events. 

PR events were a thing long before influencers started posting daily vlogs or sponsored posts. Some brands even had PR events before social media was a thing. 

Alrika Möller from media update pulls back the curtain on PR events and why they exist.


Media Attention

No one in the public relations industry is shocked when you say the media plays an important role in PR success. PRs need the media to help them create or establish a brand image

Events provide an opportunity to get media coverage for your launch, announcement, or whatever the reason might be for the event. This gives members of the media the ability to generate coverage about the brand as a whole. 

Social media influencers post about a product and a fun event. Journalists report on the impact of the campaign and how the announcement came to be. They ask for quotes and statements that offer the PR a chance to get the intended message out. 


Brand Relationships

Every brand needs to foster relationships to achieve its goals. This includes relationships with the media and just about every stakeholder of the brand. 

Relationships form when the PRs have — or create — an opportunity to communicate with people directly. 

If the goal is a more personal relationship with a journalist or stakeholder, an event will create a space for networking and conversations. 

PRs can create the event and the guestlist in a way that allows them to build relationships and reach the goals they want to reach. 


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If you are unsure if media attention is something you need to focus on at your next event, then check out our guide to  Media Attention and Public Relations Strategies [Infographic]

*Image courtesy of Canva